Slovensko nacionalno superračunalniško omrežje

431 rezultatov za ''

Computer Architecture for Machine Learning

Opis: Deep learning and large language models have become one of the most promising research areas in artificial intelligence. However, the computational requirements for implementing these methods are also growing …

Superračunalniki obožujejo poglobljeno učenje

Opis: Superračunalniki že desetletja igrajo pomembno vlogo pri napredku v znanosti in tehnologiji. Načrtovanje strojne in programske opreme zanje je vedno predstavljalo velik izziv za računalniške strokovnjake. Z napredkom strojnega …

Advancing Maritime Design: HPC-Enhanced Hull Optimization in Wave Dynamics

Optimizing a container ship’s hull for both calm water and added resistance in waves is a complex technical challenge. In calm water, the focus is on reducing resistance to enhance fuel efficiency and speed. This often involves streamlining the hull shape to minimize resistance. However, in wave conditions, additional factors like wave-induced motions, wave reflection and refraction come into play. This demands an iterative approach by employing CFD simulations and HPC resources to balance streamlined shapes for calm water efficiency hull geometry features that reduce added wave resistance.

Dan odprtih vrat superračunalnika HPC Vega

 Dan odprtih vrat superračunalnika HPC Vega bo potekal v četrtek, 30. maja 2024, v okviru Tednov vseživljenjskega učenja, v naslednjih terminih: od 10.00 do 11.30, od 12.00 do 13.30 ter od …

Workshop: Python binding for C/C++

Description: Scientific and math software is written in C/C++ which often requires longer development time when combining a larger set of such libraries. To better utilize such libraries it is …
