Seminar: Web-based SLURM monitoring and submitting jobs
A free web-based tool will be presented. It was developed to simplify monitoring and submitting SLURM jobs. The participants will get access to the platform and be encouraged to migrate …
A free web-based tool will be presented. It was developed to simplify monitoring and submitting SLURM jobs. The participants will get access to the platform and be encouraged to migrate …
SLO: Na delavnici Globoko učenje s Kerasom se boste seznanili s knjižnico Keras in njeno uporabo na praktičnih primerih iz globokega učenja. V zadnjih letih se je globoko učenje razširilo …
Key Definitions in the domain of Computer Security Security Frameworks Application to HPC Environment Security Tools and Systems in everyday life Assessing Risks Understanding mailflow and securing Email (SPF, DKIM, …