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Workshop: PIC (BIT1) modelling of the fusion plasma edge

We invite you at the BIT1 modelling of the fusion plasma edge will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, from Monday 7th to Wednesday 9th April 2025. The meeting is organized by the Plasma-PEPSC CoE in collaboration with IPP CAS and LECAD.

BIT1 is an electrostatic Particle in Cell (PIC) Monte Carlo (MC) code optimized for plasma edge modelling. It is 1D in usual and 3D in velocity space. Code is capable of simulating large scale systems with finest resolution in time and space.

During the meeting we 1) introduce the BIT1 code; 2) explain its modelling capabilities; 3) perform training sessions for users of different level; 4) consider examples of other PIC and MC codes; 5) discuss future developments related to exascale and multi-dimensional versions of the code (BIT2,3) . 

The meeting is addressed to plasma edge specialists, PhD/Master students, industry engineers, who want to learn (or improve their knowledge in) PIC modeling of the plasma edge and satisfy the following 


•    Basic familiarity with plasma physics
•    Basic familiarity with Unix shell
•    Basic familiarity with HPC environment is helpful but not mandatory

The format of the conference will be hybrid, i.e. remote participations will be accepted too.

For optimal use of the meeting time the participants can provide in advance the details of the 1D system they want to simulate ( 

Conference venue

The conference is organized at the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IPP CAS), U Slovanky 1a, 18200 Prague.

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