Slovensko nacionalno superračunalniško omrežje

Workshop: Advanced and non-textual tasks with ChatGPT

Description: In this workshop, attendees will learn how to expand the use of ChatGPT’s textual interface to solve advanced tasks that are not usually associated with large language models.

ChatGPT is designed to be  a text-based assistant with several useful add-ons that are run externally to the GPT model. However, its textual interface alone can be used to solve much more demanding tasks, if we couple it with properly selected software packages or even (free) web tools. In this workshop attendees will learn how to use ChatGPT to:

– draw sketches and diagrams
– produce 3D rendered graphics
– convert talks and lectures into study materials
– generate presentation slides from scientific papers
– bouncing ideas off ChatGPT, with sketches and code
(and perhaps others if time allows)

To fully participate in the workshop, the attendees are advised to register for free or paid ChatGPT account, to register for free account at, and to optionally download and install PovRay renderer, available for free at:

Note: Large language models, such as those used in ChatGPT are notoriously unpredictable, even in absence of continuous upgrades, which can cause sudden rapid change in the models’ performance. We cannot guarantee that attendees will be able to replicate the exact functionality that will be shown in the workshop. In case of problems with live ChatGPT interface, the tasks will be demonstrated using prompt logs from previous chats.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Language: English

Prerequisite knowledge: Basic familiarity with ChatGPT

Target audience: Students, (BSc, MSc, PhD), researchers, developers, engineers, general public 

Skills to be gained:

  • Gain the knowledge to use large language models for non-textual tasks
  • Gain the knowledge how to automate tedious textual tasks
  • Gain the knowledge on how to identify further opportunities to use ChatGPT in their own area of expertise


Workflow: The workshop is scheduled for a virtual session via Zoom. 

Virtual location: ZOOM – only registered participants will see ZOOM link!!



Name: Janez Perš
  Janez Perš is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana. His research areas are computer, machine, and robotic vision, parallel and distributed systems, and human movement analysis. He teaches the courses on Embedded Systems and  Computer Vision.


Name: Janez Križaj
  Janez Križaj is a researcher at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana. His research areas are deep learning, computer vision, biometrics, face recognition, pattern recognition, and image processing. 

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