Opis: Deep learning and large language models have become one of the most promising research areas in artificial intelligence. However, the computational requirements for implementing these methods are also growing exponentially. In this lecture, we will discuss current trends in computer system architectures designed for machine learning, focusing on the challenges and opportunities this field faces. We will present some popular computer architectures that are used for efficiently executing machine learning algorithms.
Zahtevnost: Napredna
Jezik: Angleščina
Termin: 5. 06. 2024 od 12.00 do 13.00
Omejitev števila udeležencev: brez
- Naslov: Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko, Večna pot 113, Ljubljana
- Prostor: Predavalnica P03
Virtualna lokacija:
Priporočeno predznanje:
Ciljna publika: študenti, raziskovalci, programerji
Na izobraževanju pridobljena znanja:
- Računalniška arhitektura za strojno učenje
Ime: | Dr. Nader Bagherzadeh |
Opis: | https://engineering.uci.edu/users/nader-bagherzadeh |
E-mail: | nader@uci.edu |
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