Slovenian National Supercomputing Network

EU Funding Clinic – Opportunities for SMEs in HPC

Join the online event “Opportunities for SMEs in HPC” on 30 July from 10:00 to 12:00. You will learn about funding opportunities in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC) through the FFplus project

The FFplus project is launching the first call for Business Experiments and Innovation Studies to strengthen the innovation and competitiveness of European industry. SMEs and start-ups now have the opportunity to develop their innovation potential through two types of calls:

Business Experiments will address the uptake of HPC by SMEs in order to solve specific business challenges of SMEs that have had no prior use of, or experience with, HPC services.

Innovation studies will support European SMEs and Start-ups already active in the field of generative AI technology, which lack the necessary computational resources to scale up.

The National Competence Centre SLING, which supports industry, researchers and public institutions in the field of supercomputing and AI, will also be presented. The NCC SLING helps companies with access to supercomputing infrastructure, training, one-to-one consultancy, proof-of-concept development and will assist interested companies in forming consortia, developing ideas and preparing applications for the FFplus open call.
