Slovenian National Supercomputing Network

167 results for ''

Webinar “Data management and ethics”

As part of the European HybridNeuro project and in collaboration with EuroCC 2, we invite you to a webinar on research data management in the context of open science and …

Drug discovery with a supercomputer

In the development of new medicinal compounds, research laboratories employ robotic equipment for high-throughput screening (HTS), which enables automated experimental in vitro biological evaluation of various compounds with a capacity …

Odkrivanje novih zdravil s superračunalnikom

Pri razvoju novih zdravilnih učinkovin raziskovalni laboratoriji uporabljajo robotizirano opremo za visokozmogljivo rešetanje (angl. high-throughput screening, HTS), ki omogoča avtomatizirano eksperimentalno in vitro biološko vrednotenje različnih spojin z zmogljivostjo več …
