Slovenian National Supercomputing Network

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SLING consortium members are academic, research, development, educational and other public and private institutions, associations and infrastructures that have expressed an interest in participating. Become a member of the SLING …

Open Day of Slovenian Supercomputing Centres

Every year, the SLING consortium organises an Open Day of Slovenian Supercomputing Centres, inviting groups of primary and secondary school students, as well as individuals interested in the topic, to …

Slovenian Supercomputing Network Day

Every year, the SLING consortium organises the Slovenian Supercomputing Network Day, an event where we present innovations in the field of supercomputing, the SLING Competence Centre and examples of good …

Sodelovanje z NVIDIO in IEEE: Izobraževanje “Pospeševanje aplikacij CUDA C++ z več grafičnimi procesorji”

V okviru projekta EuroCC2 sta strokovnjaka s Fakultete za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Mariboru (FERI UM) aprila 2024 izvedla 8-urno izobraževanje z naslovom Pospeševanje aplikacij CUDA C++ z več grafičnimi procesorji. Predavanje s poudarkom na praktičnem delu je potekalo v sodelovanju z NVIDIA in IEEE. Izvedla sta ga doc. dr. Domen Verber in asistent Jani Dugonik s FERI UM.
