Slovenian National Supercomputing Network

167 results for ''

Workshop: Advanced supercomputing

Description: Researchers often face big computational challenges, for example in big data analysis, physical simulations, computational chemistry, computational biology, weather prediction, fluid dynamics simulations, etc. For many problems, appropriate software …


The National HPC Competence Centre provides access to supercomputers and expert advice, and organises free trainings in supercomputing, data analytics and artificial intelligence to the general public. The educational programme …

Seminar: Usage of GIT with Gitlab, Github and Bitbucket

SLO: Seminar bo potekal virtualno. Predstavitev bo potekala 1h, po predstavitvi bo predavatelj na voljo za vprašanja. Upravljanje izvorne kode (SCM) z Gitom nudi podporo za različice z razvejanjem in združevanjem …

Course: Introduction to parallel programming

Description: This course gives beginner programmers an introduction to parallel programming. Parallel programming describes the breaking down of a larger problem into smaller steps. Instructions are delivered to multiple processors, which …

Supercomputing for the industry

Many companies are still unaware of the potential opportunities offered by supercomputing, which is why NCC SLING provides companies in the business sector with access to computing infrastructure and expert …

SLING activities

SLING is the central Slovenian organisational, information and infrastructure centre of the grid and supercomputing networks. SLING represents the interests of the grid networks, partners and users at national and …
