Slovenian National Supercomputing Network
Spletni dogodek IJS in Arctur

Arctur and Jožef Štefan Institute presented how to effectively digitize production processes with the help of HPC and AI

On June 6, 2024, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Postojna, in collaboration with the Jožef Štefan Institute and the company Arctur, held an online presentation titled “How to Effectively Digitize Production Processes with the Help of High-Performance Computing and AI”. This presentation was intended primarily for manufacturing companies, aiming to encourage them to use technology and inform them about the opportunities available through co-financed projects and public tenders to increase digitization.

The lecturers, Tomaž Justin, an expert in innovation, project support, and the transfer of new technologies, inventions, and innovations from the Jožef Štefan Institute, and Tina Črnigoj Marc, project manager for R&D projects in the field of high-performance computing at Arctur, presented the advantages brought by advanced technologies in production companies to improve production processes and consequently achieve higher competitiveness.

During the presentation, participants learned through concrete examples how generative intelligence, such as ChatGPT, can increase productivity within companies. The session covered the benefits of using supercomputing and artificial intelligence for companies, utilizing the power of supercomputers for process optimization and product development, and ensuring 100% final quality control and predictive maintenance. Potential applications of industrial automation and robotics were also discussed, including intelligent control, robotic learning, humanoid and cognitive robotics, exoskeletons, and industrial robotics.

In addition, as part of the event, support options for increasing digitization were also presented through the European development and research projects EDIH DIGI-SI and EUROCC 2 (NCC SLING), in which both Arctur and the Jožef Štefan Institute participate as partners.

Under the auspices of DIGI-SI, more than 70 services are available to companies and public organizations, either free of charge or at a subsidized price. Users can test advanced digital technologies, such as AI, high-performance computing, cybersecurity, blockchain technology, big data, the Internet of Things, virtual and augmented reality, and robotics. These services include consulting and support in testing, education for accessing technical expertise, and the development of digital skills. For more information, visit the website.

EUROCC 2 – National Competence Center SLING, as a community of experts in high-performance computing and artificial intelligence, supports companies, public administration, and researchers with access to supercomputer infrastructure, personalized training, consultations, and concept development. For more information, visit the website.

Spletni dogodek IJS in Arctur
Spletni dogodek IJS in Arctur