Slovenian National Supercomputing Network

Slovenia will get its own AI factory and new supercomputer under EuroHPC initiative

Slovenia has participated in the second round of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking call for proposals with an application to establish a Slovenian artificial intelligence factory, including a new supercomputer dedicated to artificial intelligence. The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) has announced that the application has been selected. The project will be co-funded by the EuroHPC JU and the Republic of Slovenia (Ministry of Digital Transformation and Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation).

The planned supercomputer will be installed by IZUM, in cooperation with the Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS) and Arnes, in a new data center that Arnes will build on the site of the Drava power plants in Maribor. Partners in the AI Factory project include the Jožef Stefan Institute, the University of Ljubljana, the University of Maribor, the University of Nova Gorica, IZUM, Arnes, the University of Primorska, the Faculty of Information Studies Novo Mesto, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, and the Ljubljana Technology Park. IZUM, as the EuroHPC Supercomputing Centre, is aslo the official coordinator of the application, while IJS coordinates the AI Factory project.

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