Slovensko nacionalno superračunalniško omrežje
delavnica CUDA CC

NCC SLING partners held a workshop “Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing using CUDA C/C++”

On Tuesday, 26. March 2024 an 8-hour workshop entitled “Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing using the CUDA C/C++ Software Framework” was held in the framework of the EuroCC 2 project, in collaboration with NVIDIA and IEEE and UM FERI. The session was led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Domen Verber, accompanied by assistant Jani Dugonik, both esteemed members of the University of Maribor – FERI.

The workshop aimed to educate participants on enhancing the performance of software codes written in C or C++ by leveraging the CUDA C/C++ framework. This framework is specifically designed for executing applications on graphics processing units (GPUs), significantly speeding up processing times.

Upon completion of the workshop, attendees were encouraged to undertake a brief exam and a subsequent programming task to qualify for an official certification from the Nvidia Deep Learning Institute.

For at least six months after the workshop, participants can access the workshops and materials they registered for and take the certification test on the NVIDIA portal.

Marking the beginning of a trilogy of workshops, this session serves as a foundational stone for subsequent meetings. The forthcoming workshop, titled “Accelerating CUDA C++ Applications with Multiple GPUs,” is slated for the 16th April 2024. Further details and registration information can be found at (in Slovene):
