The MIPRO 2023 conference took place from May 22nd to May 26th in Opatija and was traditionally dedicated to information, communication, and electronic technology, smart industry, renewable energy sources, ecology, along with new and high technologies in general.
The central event of this year’s convention addressed the topic of blockchain technology and blockchain EU strategy. The remaining days featured a rich program of panels, forums, workshops, and seminars on various ICT-related topics. The event was co-organized by the “Jožef Stefan” Institute, which also received a special recognition this year.
Slovenian experts participated extensively in the conference, both as members of the program committee and as authors of contributions. One of the speakers was Assist. Prof. Dr. Ivona Vasileska from the LeCAD leboratory for engineering design and supercpmputing at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. She also represented the Slovenian National Competence Center alongside the Croatian National Competence Center at their joint exhibition space. Both centers were established within the framework of the EuroCC project and continue their activities within the EuroCC 2 project.