Slovenian National Supercomputing Network

For Companies: How to Access More Computing Power?

In collaboration with SRIP GoDigital, we have prepared an informative article outlining how companies can leverage Slovenia’s national supercomputing network (SLING) to access two key HPC infrastructures:

  • VEGA – Offers up to 35% of its total capacity for open industrial access through the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking.
  • ARCTUR-2 – Provides unrestricted access to a private HPC infrastructure for businesses.

About SRIP GoDigital
SRIP GoDigital serves as a collaborative platform dedicated to strengthening the ICT sector by bringing together industry leaders to foster a more connected and innovative business environment. It promotes research, development, and innovation in ICT by facilitating cooperation among SMEs, large enterprises, knowledge institutions, and policymakers within Slovenia’s Sustainable Smart Specialization Strategy. Learn more:
