We invite you to participate in the ASHPC24 – Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2024, that will take place at the Seeblickhotel Grundlsee (Austria), 10–13 June 2024.

Submit your abstract by 6 February 2024!
Abstract submission for contributed talks as well as posters for ASHPC24 is now open. Please consider submitting an abstract about your work and expertise related to High-Performance Computing (HPC). Specifically, this can include applications of HPC, research done on HPC clusters, systems engineering (software, storage, network, etc.), and any other topic related to HPC. Please submit your abstract under https://ashpc.eu/event/23/abstracts. Please note: the abstract submission deadline is already 23 January extended by 6 February 2024, and you will get a notification about acceptance as a talk or poster by 13 February 2024.
We are looking forward to your contributions!

Register for ASHPC24 and the EuroCC2 Working Group Meeting
Registration for ASHPC24 and the co-located Central European NCCs Workgroup Meeting is already possible at: https://ashpc.eu/event/23/registrations/1 with a registration deadline on 8 March 2024 , since after this date the hotel can no longer pre-reserve rooms for us. However, all modifications and cancelations are free of charge until 10 May 2024. For the first time we offer scholarships for students of 200 €. For more information please see at the Call for Abstracts and in the Registration form or contact us.
ASHPC24 will continue the tradition of the annual Austrian HPC Meetings, held 2015–2020, and the Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meetings, held 2021–2023: Bringing together scientists and technicians with a background and interest in supercomputing. HPC operates at the limits of computationally feasible problems and helps to conquer new territory of science. Learning about current limitations and exchanging ideas on addressing these issues is vital for the further development in scientific and technological competitiveness. ASHPC24 will be an excellent opportunity to present and learn about the latest research results and exchange ideas between the users and providers of HPC resources.
The program committee is still working on setting up the invited program for ASHPC24 to prepare an exciting mix about the current state-of-the-art in HPC and future trends. The invited program will be available on the conference website as soon as the speakers are confirmed.
ASHPC24 is organized by EuroCC Austria and EuroCC Slovenia, the National Competence Centres for Supercomputing, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, in cooperation with the Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC), Austria, the Research Area Scientific Computing in Innsbruck, Austria, and the Slovenian consortium for high performance computing (SLING).
For further information and updates, please check: https://ashpc.eu/e/ASHPC24