Slovenian National Supercomputing Network

Information on the processing of personal data for event participants

The National Competence Centre SLING was established in the framework of the project “National Competence Centres in the EuroHPC” (EuroCC) and continues its activities in the project “EuroHPC National Centres of Competence Phase 2” (EuroCC 2). The National Competence Centre SLING currently includes five active partners of the Slovenian National Supercomputing Network SLING: Arctur d. o. o., the Academic and Research Network of Slovenia – ARNES, the “Jožef Stefan” Institute, the University of Ljubljana and the University of Maribor.

The partners of the National Competence Centre SLING are aware of the responsibility of handling personal data, therefore we process, use, manage, maintain, store and control all personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-2).

• Data controllers of personal data collection:

For the purposes of providing and organising the training courses and the related obligations, the above-mentioned partners of the SLING National Competence Centre SLING are joint controllers of personal data.

In the case of subscription to the newsletter, ARNES is the independent controller of the personal data related to this subscription.

Contact details of data protection officers:

Purpose of personal data processing :

Organisation and realisation of the event:

Data controllers start collecting your personal data when you voluntarily register for the training. In this case, you will provide us with the personal data necessary for the organisation and execution of the event via the online registration form on the website: After the event, we will send you a confirmation of your participation to your e-mail address and ask you to participate in a survey.

Newsletter subscription:

If you have given your consent to subscribe to the newsletter, ARNES will act as an independent controller. ARNES processes this data for the purpose of sending you newsletters about the work of the National Competence Centre SLING and news in the field of supercomputing.

You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking on the link in the email you receive or by sending an email to If you withdraw your consent, we will no longer send you e-newsletters.

• Types of personal information collected and processed:

Event registration: Your personal data will be processed when you voluntarily register to attend or participate in an event via the online form.

o Personal data required to participate in the event: first name, last name, email address, gender, country of origin, education level, institution type, institution name, institution country. The processing of this data is necessary for the performance of a contract, without which you cannot participate in the event.

o Optional personal data: country of residence, information on where the person heard about the event. This information is not required to register and attend the event, but will help us tailor the training to the needs of the interested audience.

Newsletter subscription: When administering the SLING e-newsletter, ARNES processes the e-mail address you enter in the online form, the date and time of your subscription, the date and time of your last action and information about the opening of each edition of the newsletter and clicks on links within each edition of the newsletter. If you do not give your consent, ARNES will not send newsletters to your e-mail address and will not collect or process your e-mail address for this purpose.

Lawful basis for the processing of personal data:

– The lawful basis for processing the mandatory personal data of registered participants is the “event registration”, which is considered as a contract between the participant and the organiser and co-organiser of the event pursuant to Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR.

– The lawful basis for the processing of optional personal data related to the event and personal data related to the receipt of the newsletter is your consent, in accordance with Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR.

Users or categories of users of the personal data:

We do not share personal information with third parties. Only non-personalized data will be used for statistical reporting to the EuroCC 2 project coordinator (University of Stuttgart) on the number of participants and their educational background, type of institution, etc.

• Information about event recording

If the online event is conducted via videoconferencing platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams, it will only be recorded in exceptional circumstances. Participants will be notified in advance if the event is to be recorded. In such cases, only the speaker’s image and name will be visible; the names, images, and comments of participants will not be displayed.

Information about the transfer of personal data to a third country or international organisation:

For online events conducted via platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams, your personal data may be transferred to a third country (outside the member states of the European Economic Area). Relationships with data processors, co-controllers, or controllers in these countries are regulated by standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission and appropriate safeguards, or these processes are carried out in accordance with adequacy decisions issued by the Commission.

Retention period of personal data:

Mandatory Data: Personal data required for event registration and participation will be retained for five years from the end of the calendar year following the event. Non-Mandatory Data: Personal data provided voluntarily during registration will be retained until the individual cancels their registration or for five years from the end of the calendar year following the event, whichever comes first.

Newsletter Subscriptions: Personal data related to newsletter subscriptions will be retained until the subscription is cancelled.

Information of individual rights

When you register for an event, you have:

  • the right to access your personal data,
  • the right to rectification if your personal data is inaccurate,
  • the right to restrict the processing of your personal data,
  • the right to data portability.

If you subscribe to the newsletter, you have:

  • the right to access your personal data,
  • the right to rectification if your personal data is inaccurate,
  • the right to restrict the processing of your personal data,
  • the right to be forgotten (erasure),
  • the right to data portability.

To exercise your rights or to request further information, please email us at We will review and respond to your request in compliance with the GDPR and other relevant laws.

• Information on the right to withdraw consent where processing is based on consent:

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, free of charge. This withdrawal will not affect the legality of any data processing conducted based on your consent before its withdrawal.

• Information on the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority:

If you believe that your rights or data protection regulations have been violated, you can primarily contact or you may file a complaint with the competent state authority, i.e. the Information Commissioner of the Republic of Slovenia (more information:

We kindly ask that you contact us first, allowing us the opportunity to address your concerns before reaching out to the supervisory authority.

[1]* The University of Maribor and Arctur, d.o.o. are the controllers of your personal data only if they are the event providers. The information about the event provider can be found on the overview tab of each individual event.
