National Competence Centre SLING helps users and anyone interested in using High Performance Computing (HPC) to learn, access, use and learn about supercomputing.
Our mission is to promote the use of supercomputing capabilities for scientific and industrial research, academia and public service delivery. We want to raise the level of knowledge in Slovenia and increase awareness of all the benefits of this technology.
We organise free training courses
If you would like to learn how to use a supercomputer or gain specific knowledge, please attend the free workshops or seminars we organise for participants with different levels of knowledge:
- Basic level – no knowledge of using supercomputers is required,
- Advanced level – topics are tailored to different areas of interest with a focus on STEM areas,
- Higher level – participants are expected to have sufficient prior basic knowledge, focus is on increasing competences.
Most of the courses are held in Slovenian, but some are also available in English. Recordings of specific training sessions are available on the Arnes video portal.

Promoting supercomputing in industry
The National Competence Centre promotes, among other things, the use of supercomputers in industry and business. Through a special questionnaire “HPC4SME assesment tool“, we want to help companies to identify the potential for successfully exploiting supercomputing capacities. Based on the answers received, we will provide recommendations and guidelines for the next steps. We help the most promising SMEs to obtain funding in European calls such as FF4EuroHPC.
Building a (super)community
The success of the Slovenian National Competence Centre is also reflected in better cooperation and networking between the SLING consortium partners, with other European National Competence Centres and Centres of Excellence. As a result of our close networking, we organised the first ever Slovenian Supercomputing Centres’ Exascale Computing Day or Open Day in 2021, which takes place every year in October. This gave the general public the opportunity to visit the largest Slovenian supercomputers, including EuroHPC Vega. In addition, we organise national HPC conferences in the autumn, where we focus on promoting the use of supercomputers, presenting examples of good practice and success stories. Together, we are building a strong community that is reaping the full benefits of supercomputing and creating new opportunities in Slovenia.
National Competence Centre SLING was formed in the framework of the EuroCC project “National Competence Centres in the EuroHPC” and continues its activities in the EuroCC 2 project. National Competence Centre SLING currently has five active SLING partners: Arctur, Arnes, the “Jožef Stefan” Institute and the University of Ljubljana and the University of Maribor.
National Competence Centre SLING is co-funded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Republic of Slovenia.