Slovensko nacionalno superračunalniško omrežje


Zaključek projekta Fortissimo©Sandra Ritschel

Fortissimo projects end with 120 success stories

On October 18th and 19th, the FF4EuroHPC and EuroCC 2 consortia brought together eminent representatives from industry and politics, representatives from the National Competence Centres, HPC experts and enthusiasts at …

FF4EuroHPC success story from Slovenia

The FF4EuroHPC project has published 42 success stories in which companies have used supercomputing, artificial intelligence and data learning to solve business challenges across a range of industries. Among them …

Predstavitev prof. Polha

NCC SLING at symposium SOR ’23

The 17th International Symposium on Operational Research in Slovenia – SOR ’23, organised by the Slovenian Informatics Society, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, and the Faculty of …
