Slovenian National Supercomputing Network

National calls for open access and use of resources

SLING National Open Access

Access and use of supercomputer capacities in open access are governed by the Rules for access and use of supercomputer capacities in open access, adopted by the SLING Council. They refer to clusters of those organizations or system administrators included in the SLING consortium who want to offer part of their capacities for general, open use in a uniform and organized manner to all eligible users in Slovenia.

Within the framework of SLING, on the basis of these rules, it is possible to obtain part of the supercomputing capacities of the following clusters:


Beneficiaries for capacity allocation can be individual applicants or groups. When the capacity is assigned to a group, the applicant must specify in the application the person who conducts the research and is responsible for the list of participants in the research who use the allocated capacities. The type and size of the allocated capacity depends on the role and importance of the project, so that all users or groups who are entitled to apply can submit a project proposal for any of the envisaged types of projects.

Development Projects (DP)

Development projects are mainly aimed at the development of software and algorithms.

Permanent Calls

Call for SLING Resources for Development Research Projects (permanently open).

The results will be announced within 1 month after each submission deadline.

SystemResources per project (node hours)Resources per project (core hours)
Vega – CPU10.0001.280.000
Vega – GPU1.000/
Arnes – CPU5.000320.000
Arnes – GPU1.000/
Leonardo– DCGP (CPU)1.000
Leonardo– Booster (GPU)2.000

Large Research Projects (LRP)

They are large projects intended for production use, as well as for the development of software systems and algorithms, adaptation of existing software, or methodology testing of specific scientific prototypes, when large amounts of computing resources or data stores must be used for the process or due to the amount of data.

Open calls

Deadlines for applications: 1 November 2024, 1 February 2025, 1 June 2025, 1 October 2025

The results will be announced within 2 months after each submission deadline.

SystemsResources per project node hours
Resources per project node hours
HPC Vega – CPU200.000*25.600.000*
HPC Vega – GPU25.000**/
Leonardo– DCGP (CPU)max 30.000***
Leonardo– Booster (GPU)max. 75.000***

*The commercial value of resources in this range is approximately €200,000. EuroHPC Vega price list.
**The commercial value of resources in this range is approximately €125,000. EuroHPC Vega price list.
*** Resources will be available to the extent that they are not used under the other calls mentioned above.

SystemsTotal resources for all projects (node hours)Total resources for all projects (core hours)
HPC Vega – CPU1.000.000128.000.000
HPC Vega – GPU80.000/