Slovenian National Supercomputing Network

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Podcast: Supercomputing in Europe

Listen to guests from all over Europe sharing their experiences and offering interesting insights into the role of supercomputers in a wide range of fields such as life science, machine …

EuroCC 2 Success Stories 2024

As a contribution to the “EuroHPC National Competence Centres Phase 2” (EuroCC 2) project, a new collection of success stories from European National Competence Centres has been published. You are …


Many breakthroughs in speed and accuracy of single image super-resolution (SISR) have been achieved. One of the biggest challenges is how to recover finer texture details when super-resolution is applied …


Številni preboji na področju hitrosti in natančnosti super-resolucije posameznih slik (ang. single image super-resolution, SISR) so bili že doseženi. Eden od največjih še nerešenih izzivov je, kako obnoviti fine teksturne podrobnosti pri uporabi super-resolucije z velikimi faktorji povečanja.

Funding Programmes and Open Calls for Industry

Through funding programmes and RD activities, the industry can significantly shift its innovation and competitiveness. Current funding opportunities for industry: News from the European CommissionPublic consultation – interim evaluation of …

Arnes HPC cluster

The Arnes HPC cluster is the second most powerful in Slovenia and is the only cluster used for learning how to use HPC, which is primarily used for Slovenian HPC …
