Slovenian National Supercomputing Network

Rendering job preparation for multiple GPUs in an HPC cluster

Slovenski nacionalni kompetenčni center deluje v okviru Slovenskega nacionalnega superračunalniškega omrežja SLING, ki spodbuja koriščenje superračunalniških (HPC) zmogljivosti za potrebe znanstvenih in industrijskih raziskav, na akademskem področju ter pri zagotavljanju javnih storitev. Spodbuja dvig znanja v Sloveniji na prodročju superračunalništva ter povečati ozaveščenost o vseh prednostih, ki jih prinaša ta tehnologija.

GOSTOL – GOPAN is a global provider of integrated industrial solutions for medium-sized and large industrial bakeries, including equipment for dough mixing, dividing, molding, proofing, baking and cooling. Complete adaptability to the buyer’s needs, more than 70 years of experience in the field of baking industry, technically and technologically sophisticated, energy-efficient equipment, innovativeness and reliability are our main qualities.

Image: Industrial bakery line for free-baked long loaves

In this case we wanted to achieve two goals. The first was to demonstrate to the customer that using a GPU cluster is a much faster and cheaper solution than using a powerful workstation. We achieved this by comparing the time needed to finish the same computations on one workstation and on multiple GPU nodes.

The second was to prepare a simple and intuitive application that allows the user to upload the blend file, define the frame range to be rendered and the number of GPU nodes available. The application prepares the job scripts for each node by splitting the desired frame range into multiple sets of frame ranges for each GPU on a single node. This way we can automate the process of job scripts preparation, optimize resources allocation and evenly distribute the workload among nodes and GPUs.
