Slovenian National Supercomputing Network

SLING partners contributed to the European Big Data Value Forum 2024

The European Big Data Value Forum is BDVA’s flagship event, bringing the whole European data-driven AI research and innovation community together to share knowledge, collaborate and celebrate achievements. This year, the forum took place in Budapest, Hungary, from 2-4 October 2024.

The members of European Competence Centre – SLING Ivona Vasileska and Pavel Tomšič from Laboratory for Engineering Design (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering UL) were also among the speakers at the session on: “How can HPC help with Big Data problems?.” The session helped to understand the role of NCCs, and demonstrate the impact of HPC through four distinct use cases that highlight the versatility and power of supercomputing in solving complex problems. Meanwhile Jan Jona Javoršek from The Jožef Stefan Institute contributed to the panel “How to make AI Factories the enabler of European competitiveness“.
