Slovenian National Supercomputing Network

The GCS Exascale Pioneer Call is open

The “JUPITER Research and Early Access Program” (JUREAP) provides the framework for testing and preparation of hardware and applications for Europe’s first exascale supercomputer, JUPITER. The “GCS Exascale Pioneer Call” has recently opened and will close on 28 October 2024. The initial phase of JUREAP, called the Scalability and Performance Evaluation Phase (SPEP), is currently underway. Applications for this phase are still open until 7 October 2024.

The goal of the Call is to identify approximately 20 applications that have proven exascale potential, promise scientifically groundbreaking insights, and have high societal relevance. The selected applications will be awarded with large-scale compute resources on JUPITER after the full launch of JUPITERand and will be able to use the resources during the system build in the Porting and Optimizing Phase (POP)..
