
EuroHPC User Days: Call for papers open until April 15th
The two-day event “EuroHPC User Days” will take place on September 30th and October 1st in Copenhagen. The call for papers for the EuroHPC User Days Book of Proceedings is …

NVIDIA & FRI AI Day 2025
On Tuesday, March 25, 2025, the Faculty of Computer and Information Science at the University of Ljubljana will host the NVIDIA & FRI AI Day 2025. The “NVIDIA AI Day …

Slovenia will get its own AI factory and new supercomputer under EuroHPC initiative
Slovenia has participated in the second round of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking call for proposals with an application to establish a Slovenian artificial intelligence factory, including a new supercomputer dedicated …

For Companies: How to Access More Computing Power?
In collaboration with SRIP GoDigital, we have prepared an informative article outlining how companies can leverage Slovenia’s national supercomputing network (SLING) to access two key HPC infrastructures: About SRIP GoDigitalSRIP …

National Institute of Chemistry invites you to the Pregl Colloquium: Prof. Dr. Nicola Marzari
On Thursday, February 20, at 13:00, Prof. Dr. Nicole Marzaria will give a talk entitled “The Shape of Things to Come” in the Great Lecture Hall of the National Institute …

ASHPC25: Preliminary Timetable and Extended Registration Deadline
The preliminary timetable for ASHPC 2025 has been published. (Please note that the timetable is subject to small changes.) Additionally, the registration deadline has been extended to February 21st, 2025. …

Extended deadline for ASHPC25 until January 24
We invite you to participate in the ASHPC25 – Austrian-Slovenian HPC Meeting 2025, which will take place at Rimske Terme, Slovenia, from May 19 to May 22, 2025. We are …

Europe’s first AI factories selected
The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) has announced the selection of the first seven AI factories to be set up in Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain …

SLING Days: Supercomputing as a key support for the Slovenian research community and industry
The “Slovenian Supercomputing Network Days” or “SLING Days”, the largest supercomputing conference in Slovenia, took place from 3 to 5 December 2024 in Ljubljana, as part of the Arnes conference …

Workshop: AI in Action: Transformative Strategies for Business Productivity (Day 2)
Excerpt: This beginner-friendly workshop on generative AI is aimed specifically for small business enterprises. As AI technology evolves rapidly, it can be challenging to stay updated on the latest tools. This …

Delavnica: Generativna umetna inteligenca z difuzijskimi modeli
Opis: Na delavnici bomo predstavili eno najbolj naprednih področij umetne inteligence – generativno umetno inteligenco. Podrobneje bomo spoznali vse sestavne dele generativnih difuzijskih modelov in v več zaporednih korakih izdelali …

Delavnica: Delo s superračunalnikom HPCFS (Working with supercomputer HPCFS)
Opis: Na delavnici se bodo udeleženci spoznali z uporabo superračunalnika HPCFS. Predstavljeno bo delovanje superračunalnika, dostop do HPCFS, pregledali bomo seznam razpoložljive programske opreme. Priporočeno je, da udeleženci delavnice predhodno pridobijo …

Delavnica: Uvod v obdelavo velepodatkov v Pythonu
Kratek opis: Udeleženci bodo spoznali osnove knjižnice Pandas, ki je trenutno najbolj razširjena knjižnica za delo s podatki za potrebe strojnega učenja, podatkovne znanosti in visoko zmogljivega računalništva. Predstavljene bodo …

Delavnica: Napredna obdelava velepodatkov v Pythonu
Kratek opis: Udeleženci bodo spoznali različne načine pohitritve nalaganja večjih podatkovnih zbirk s knjižnico Pandas. Nadalje bodo predstavljeni načini dodatnih pohitritev dela z večjimi podatkovnimi zbirkami, ki jih omogočata knjižnici …

Delavnica: Uvod v ogrodje NVIDIA RAPIDS
Kratek opis: Udeleženci bodo spoznali odprtokodno ogrodje NVIDIA RAPIDS, ki vsebuje knjižnice za strojno pospešeno delo s podatki in strojno učenje. Predstavljena bo arhitektura ogrodja NVIDIA RAPIDS s poudarkom na …

Workshop: PIC (BIT1) modelling of the fusion plasma edge
We invite you at the BIT1 modelling of the fusion plasma edge will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, from Monday 7th to Wednesday 9th April 2025. The meeting is …

Workshop: N-Ways to GPU Programming Bootcamp
Description: The N-Ways to GPU Programming Bootcamp covers the basics of GPU programming and provides an overview of different methods for porting scientific applications to GPUs using NVIDIA CUDA, OpenACC …

Workshop: Python binding for C/C++
Description: Scientific and math software is written in C/C++ which often requires longer development time when combining a larger set of such libraries. To better utilize such libraries it is …

Delavnica: Osnove globokega učenja
Kratek opis: Ta tečaj nudi praktičen uvod v globoko učenje, zmogljivo tehniko umetne inteligence, ki se uporablja v panogah, kot so zdravstvo, maloprodaja in avtomobilizem. Študenti se bodo naučili trenirati modele …

Bootcamp: AI for Science
Overview: Together with NVIDIA and OpenACC organization, EuroCC2 will be hosting an AI for Science Bootcamp, beginning on 27th May and concluding on 28th May. The End-to-End AI for Science …

Workshop: CFD on HPC – OpenFOAM example
Kratek opis: Tridnevna delavnica je namenjena raziskovalcem, inženirjem, študentom in drugim, ki jih zanima tematika CFD z uporabo odprtega programskega CFD okolja OpenFOAM (OF). Predstavljena bo osnovna in napredna uporaba, …
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