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How high-performance computing and artificial intelligence are shaping the future of tourism

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has dramatically changed various industries, including tourism. The integration of advanced technologies such as high-performance computing (HPC) and machine learning has enabled tourism companies to improve user experience, optimize processes and adapt marketing strategies.

The tourism industry faces many challenges that can be addressed by advanced technologies. One of the main problems is processing the huge amounts of data generated by tourism providers such as hotels, airlines and travel agencies. Managing this data requires powerful systems that can analyze and predict customer behavior and optimize operational processes in real time. In addition, the tourism sector faces the need to improve the user experience at all customer touch points, from travel planning to post-service feedback. The key is for companies to understand customer preferences and behavior, which is no easy task in such a dynamic environment.

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Authors: Domen Verber, Jani Dugonik
