Slovensko nacionalno superračunalniško omrežje


Workshop: Python binding for C/C++

Description: In high-performance computing (HPC), efficient job scheduling is crucial for maximizing resource utilization and minimizing wait times. The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) has developed a sophisticated scheduler designed …

Delavnica: Superračunalništvo za tekmovalce RIS

Opis: Delavnica je namenjena udeležencem tekmovanja RIS. V okviru delavnice bomo spoznali superračunalniško infrastrukturo SLING in na praktičnem primeru pogledali, kako lahko na njej prilagajamo velike jezikovne modele. Delavnica je …

Workshop: N-Ways to GPU Programming Bootcamp

Description: The N-Ways to GPU Programming Bootcamp covers the basics of GPU programming and provides an overview of different methods for porting scientific applications to GPUs using NVIDIA CUDA, OpenACC …
