Slovensko nacionalno superračunalniško omrežje

NCC SLING spletni seminar: Revolutionising Agriculture with HPC and AI: Real-World Applications

Pridružite se nam na spletnem seminarju “Revolutionising Agriculture with HPC and AI: Real-World Applications“, ki bo potekal v torek, 24. septembra 2024, s pričetkom ob 14:00 v organizaciji Nacionalni kompetenčni center SLING.

Dogodek je namenjen podjetjem, inženirjem, tehnološkim strokovnjakom, raziskovalcem in kmetom, ki delujejo v kmetijskem sektorju in želijo nadgraditi svoje znanje ter spoznati možnosti uporabe visokozmogljivega računalništva (HPC) in umetne inteligence (AI) v kmetijstvu.

Odkrijte, kako tovrstne tehnologije spodbujajo inovacije, izboljšujejo možnosti vzgoje pridelkov, optimizirajo upravljanje virov in podpirajo trajnostne kmetijske prakse. Spoznajte primere iz resničnega sveta in ugotovite, zakaj sta HPC in AI ključni orodji za reševanje prihodnjih izzivov v kmetijstvu, vse od preciznega kmetovanja, pa do odpornosti na podnebne spremembe.

Program in govorci:

14:00–14:20: Stevan Čakić, DigitalSmart: AIoT and HPC Fusion for Sustainable Farms
14:20–14:40: Tomaž Bokan, ITC MS:  Embark on an exploration of cutting-edge AI tools revolutionizing the agrifood sector, showcased through innovative EU co-funded projects
Exploration of AI-supported tools in the agrifood sector will be showcased through examples from EU co-funded projects. The session will highlight how AI-driven innovations are transforming precision farming, food processing, and supply chain optimization, enhancing both efficiency and sustainability.
14:40–15:00: Federico Battini, IFAB:  Improving weather forecasts with limited effort: a classifier-based approach
The presentation will outline the development of a weather classifier that, given two numerical weather prediction models, is able to select the most accurate model for each grid cell and forecast time step, thus improving forecast quality with limited effort.
15:00–15:20: Prof. Dr. Janez Perš, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana: Using HPC and AI for Precision Agriculture in Tomato Monitoring and Growth
The presentation will discuss how High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be applied in agriculture, with an emphasis on close-range monitoring of tomato crops for growth optimization. It will focus on practical issues when using image segmentation and multispectral imaging, specifically for detailed, on-the-ground data collection.

Udeležba je brezplačna, registracija pa obvezna. Dogodek bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.

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